The website for IÉSEG successful candidates

Course registration for Exchange students

Academic levels offered


Language of instruction

All business courses are offered in English.

Working level of English is requested. No official test is required for partner universities’ students.


List of courses

A provisional list of courses available for exchange students and syllabi are downloadable on IÉSEG website.

The updated list will be sent later along with the information about the course registration.


Course load

A regular semester load is 30 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System), and we accept a minimum of 20 ECTS from incoming exchange students. Make sure you know how many credits you need to validate.

There are extensive (semester long) and intensive (week long) courses, and the number of contact hours varies from the format and the level of the course. Courses vary between 2 and 6 credits, so they should take between 8 and 12 courses per semester to reach 30 ECTS. A semester is 13/14 weeks; 1 ECTS credit is equivalent to twenty-five hours of work (including contact hours).


Course enrollment

Students will have to complete an online course selection a few weeks before the semester starts, they will receive further information regarding the course registration by email.

Students will be able to see if there is any course overlap only during the mandatory orientation seminar with timetables available on MyStudies. Our academic advisors will help them with their course schedule.

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information available at the time the course list is prepared, the institution reserves the right to make changes. Students should be prepared to select new courses if their initial requests are not available.


French as foreign language

Courses for beginners, pre-intermediates, intermediates and Business French for advanced levels are offered each semester at no extra cost to our partner universities. A French language test is scheduled prior to the arrival.


Grading system

Grading scale goes from 0 to 20. Grades usually are the results from a mix of written and oral examinations, essays, research papers, attendance and class participation.

The lowest passing grade for exchange students is 10/20 for Bachelor and Master courses.

Read the IÉSEG international grade conversion scale


Failed courses

No retake exam session will be organized.